Sunday, December 6, 2015

Being Modest

So in a recent Twitter post Steph Curry's wife Ayesha Curry tweeted "Everyone's into barely wearing clothes these days huh? Not my style. I like to keep the good stuff covered up for the one who matters" This tweet set an uproar on Twitter late last night til early this morning. While many agreed with her opinion. There were quite a few who disagreed with her and said that she was bashing women who chose  to dress immodest. I believe they  misinterpreted her words and  bashed her all for an opinion. 

I would of never thought someone making a statement on what is  right would cause so much controversy on social media. With the society we live in today its not surprising.  I agree with what Ayesha Curry said. I believe a women should cover herself up. We should always leave something for the imagination. If you are showing the world your goods then there is nothing left for your man to see. If you are walking around showing everything God has blessed you with, to try to get attention. You're doing it wrong. Men lust after women who show everything. You may be getting attention but it's not the kind of attention you want. You want them to have something to work for. You want them to value you. To be able to take the time to get to know God's gift, before unwrapping it. I believe every person is a Gift from God and that we should take the time to value our bodies. 

It's 2015 and.......
Tweets offend us. It's sad that the society we live in will get offended by someone saying they choose to cover up rather than  show off everything. Someone posted this verse in relations to the controversy on Twitter. Isaiah 5:20 says “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
They have definitely taken what was meant for good and turned it into evil. I don't think she said anything wrong. 

I'm  out.  Be blessed and stay classy 😉

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Compromising For World

What would you do? Compromise or Sacrifice. 

Often times we compromise for the world. We as Christians don't speak up about certain things because when we do we are afraid we might be looked down on. There are many Christians out there that have spoken up about somethings or didn't agree with something because of their beliefs. There is a story in the news right now about some parents who wrote a letter to the school stating that their child is a "transgender"and they should now be referred to as boy. There were two teachers who refused to do so and instantly lost their jobs. So because they refused to start treating the child like she was a boy they lost their job and because they spoke up about the situation they are now unemployed?? I first want to say I applaud those two teachers. Because I know how hard it is to not agree with something because you believe it isn't right. Second I feel like the child probably doesn't even know what a transgender is. Better yet probably can't even spell the word. Not only does this issue affect the child but it is also going to confuse the children in that classroom. I can only imagine what the 6 year olds in that class are thinking. Some of them are now exposed to something that their parents have not even exposed them to. I honestly wonder what it's going to be like for my future kids when they go to school. Young minds should not be exposed to this kind of stuff. I fear for my future kids. I do not want them to be introduced to something unless I the parent have told them. Having to explain this kind of stuff to a child is probably hard because they are still learning about themselves. This is only the beginning though I feel like there will be more reports in the news about this kind of stuff. If one person can over with it, then so can others. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

My Vows God

Dear Lord  you love me even when I did not love myself. When I am weak you are my strength. Through all the hurt, pain and tears you comfort me. Lord I Give you my heart. So that I may love others the way you love me. My body is your temple and belongs to you I promise to remain pure. I want to love others the way you loved us when you sent your only son to die for us. I vow to not let anything come between my relationship with you. Your love for me is unconditional. I want to live for and to please you. I want to get to know more about you. This is my convenant to you. I love you for ever and always. 

~your daughter 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Why Now?!

We all have been in that dark place in our lives. That we never wish to return to. I recently had encounters with that dark place in my life again. One day as I was walking back to my room I thought to myself why do I feel like this  my life great. Im in school and everything is taking care of. I have  friends,you're pretty smart, guys like  you  and you've grown in your relationship with God you are not the same person you were a year ago.Well,  If that's the case why then why has this feeling returned??? I don't understand? There isn't anything you should be depressed  about Bria. It's like the feeling comes on its own. But I pray, read my bible and listen to gospel music all day. So I don't understand how this is even possible. How could something sneak its way back into my life just when things are going great?! But wait....I won the battle the first time around so I'm  going to fight harder this time and  as long as I have God on my side I can conquer anything.
    I write this last part with tears in my eyes because people don't know what others are going through because they can't see it. It's not like cancer or having a burn or something where people can see it on the outside. It's so hard to open up to people and tell them how what you are going through  because you don't want to be looked down on are appear weak to them or. Maybe you feel like they don't care because they have there own personal problems to deal with. It's like you're happy on the outside and going through it on the  inside. I just wish people could see what was goes on in the inside. It think it would make it much easier. Or maybe if I could just open up to someone and tell them. I know I'm not in this alone. 

But besides all that I know this battle is already Gods. I'm going to show the enemy that he can't win this time. 

Continue to smile through it all. 

Bria ✨

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Let it Go! Let it Go!

If we were to look in someone else's closet and see how much baggage they were hiding we would be in aw. There was a picture I once saw of this lady who was carrying a lot of bags, each bag had words on it such as fear, hurt, rejection, and etc. The photo made me think of how we carry around baggage and bring it into our present relationships. Whether it be relationships with friends or with a significant other. Carrying all that baggage around with us makes it harder on us. If someone once hurt us we think everyone is out to get us. We put a guard up and choose to not let anyone in because we're afraid they might do the same. 

For awhile I used to hold on to my baggage and carry with me everywhere I went. I had so much anger,hurt, fear and bitterness in me from the past. I had a hard time letting people in and trusting them. I used to be angry and bitter towards men because I held on to so much stuff. I used to look for all the bad things in a guy. I pushed guys who tried talking to me away. When they asked why don't  you want to talk to me anymore I would tell them these exact words "I'm afraid your going to hurt me". Then one day  it hit me. I said Bria how are going to eve get in relationship romantic or friendship if you think every person  is going to hurt you. You can't keep carrying things that happened in the past around with you. It's time to let it go. Not every one is the same. You'll meet some people  who aren't any good and some who don't want to do any harm to you. At that moment I asked God to heal me. The healing process takes awhile. I got through it. I then prayed and asked God to help me forgive and forget. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Her Appearance.

It 5 o'clock in the morning. I'm up thinking.
One thing that I feel people never do is look at what is on the inside. I feel maybe they don't get to know me long enough to see how good of a person I am. I care about people  and their feelings. I have a big heart. I try not to say or do things that I know would hurt me. When people try to talk down on me. I have comebacks in my head that I want to say but know deep down how it would make them feel. I feel I don't get treated the the way I treat others. See when you're kind to others people start to take your kindness as being weak. I've learned that it is  not me who is weak it the person who has mistakes kindness for weakness.
When it comes to dating someone I always look at what is  on the inside, their looks are just a plus to me.  With me I sometimes think it's the total opposite. Just because they think you are  attractive does not  mean they like you. They just like what they see. After getting to know a person for a few weeks, I will ask them what it is they like about me the first thing they usually say is you are beautiful. That's it??? I mean  It has to be more than just my looks. You can't marry my looks. My looks will one day grow old and fade away. Once that happens then what? I find it very attractive when a man looks at me deeper than just what's on the inside. Because my looks are just apart of the package. I believe along with a physical connection we should be able to connect mentally and spiritually with them. We should not want to be with someone just because they are attractive. There has to be more.  I pray that there is someone out there who wants to know me deeper than just my appearance and that God sends them when the timing is right.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

God I Can't hear you

Sometimes when we're going through things in life we always wonder where God is. The days when we feel like giving up. I remember back when I was going through a hard time in my life. I was a freshman in college and the doctors told my mom she could not work anymore. I begin to worry because I knew how this would hurt our family. I didn't like the fact that we had to move and that everything was happening so fast. That year was tough. As I was going through this I question myself and asked where is God and why is he causing me and my family to go through this. I did not understand, Everything seems to be perfect. But a trip to the doctors office changed it all. I often wondered where God was and when was he going to show up and fix everything. At this point in my life my relationship with God wasn't where it is today. I remember that same month I went to a Christian Summit and I remember the lady speaking. She said having a relationship with God and spending time with him is important. The next day I downloaded the bible app and started reading it in the morning before I went to class. Reading the bible helped me get a better understanding of why I was going through what I was going through. That's when I realized during this trial God was with me he was just quiet. I remember my pastor saying that "the teacher is always quiet during the test." God was testing me to see if I would trust him to bless my family and I. I don't where I would be with Him.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Battle

The Battle is Not Yours

We all have things that we battle with in life that no one knows about. Sometimes we feel like we are the only one going through it and start to believe there is no way out. Well I'm here to tell you, you're not alone and there is a way out. God is preparing you for something, just hold on the battle will soon be over.

We all have those days where we feel sad for one reason or another, we cry a little and then the next day we're back to normal. Then there are those days when our sadness never seems to go away. We go around our friends and family and try to pretend like everything is okay, when deep down we know that we're not. Depression is what they call it. According to Webster dictionary depression is the state of feeling sad, or a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad ,hopeless, and unimportant and is often unable to live in a normal way.

My battle with depression 

Almost a year ago I began to fall into depression. I felt like everthing in my life was falling apart and I was not  happy with it. I don't know how I managed to get up for class, with my hair and make up done everyday and pretend like everything was okay.  I looked good on the outside but on the inside I was empty, hopeless, confused and broken. I was empty because I felt like I was missing something inside and tried to feel those voids with people. I felt hopeless because I believed that life wasn't gonna get any better for me. Confused because I did not understand why I was feeling like this I wanted it to be over I just wanted to be happy. I was broken because every part of me was falling apart. Not only did this thing called depression affect me but it started to affect everyone around me. Although they didn't really know what was going on with me they could see that something was wrong. As the semester continued it started to get worse. I started thinking of ways I could possibly end my life. Although I know I wasn't going to do it I just felt like maybe the world would be better off without me because I didn't want to burden anyone with my problems.  I would cry myself to sleep at night. One day I was hurting so deep inside that I found ways to hurt myself on the outside. Everyone started to ask me if I was okay, that's when I realized I could not hide it any longer. I told one of my friends what was going on and they told me to read the bible and pray. 

Now what was reading the bible and praying going to do for me? Reading the bible and praying helped me get back closer to God because during this dark time in my life I lost sight of God. Even though I might not of heard him in the midst of it. He was right there by my side through it all. Sometimes even when God is silent he is still there listening to us. I believe what I  went through has made me stronger and closer to God. 

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not discourage. Deuteronomy 31:18

Depression is something that people battle with everyday and can sometimes cause someone to take their life. Suicide awareness is something I take very seriously.

"Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Remember to be kind always"

God has a purpose for your life and wants to use you. Whatever you are going through is only going to make you stronger.  

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 

Stay blessed, 

          Bria Jasel Davis.