Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Why Now?!

We all have been in that dark place in our lives. That we never wish to return to. I recently had encounters with that dark place in my life again. One day as I was walking back to my room I thought to myself why do I feel like this  my life great. Im in school and everything is taking care of. I have  friends,you're pretty smart, guys like  you  and you've grown in your relationship with God you are not the same person you were a year ago.Well,  If that's the case why then why has this feeling returned??? I don't understand? There isn't anything you should be depressed  about Bria. It's like the feeling comes on its own. But I pray, read my bible and listen to gospel music all day. So I don't understand how this is even possible. How could something sneak its way back into my life just when things are going great?! But wait....I won the battle the first time around so I'm  going to fight harder this time and  as long as I have God on my side I can conquer anything.
    I write this last part with tears in my eyes because people don't know what others are going through because they can't see it. It's not like cancer or having a burn or something where people can see it on the outside. It's so hard to open up to people and tell them how what you are going through  because you don't want to be looked down on are appear weak to them or. Maybe you feel like they don't care because they have there own personal problems to deal with. It's like you're happy on the outside and going through it on the  inside. I just wish people could see what was goes on in the inside. It think it would make it much easier. Or maybe if I could just open up to someone and tell them. I know I'm not in this alone. 

But besides all that I know this battle is already Gods. I'm going to show the enemy that he can't win this time. 

Continue to smile through it all. 

Bria ✨

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