Thursday, January 7, 2016

Does it Really Go Down

Does it really go down in the Dms?

For the past couple of days this question has been pondering my mind and I really have put some hard thought into it. I know not everyone is on social media or follows what they do. But the latest trend that seems to be "Poppin" now days is sliding in the DM's to "shoot their shot"or whatever. At the end of the year there was a hash tag on twitter called #shootyourshot and it had a lot of guys trying to shoot their shot in girls DM's. so does it really go down in the DMs? Like Yo Gotti's song says. I think so.

Are your Dm's Poppin'?

Yo Gotti recently put out a song called Down In the DM's.  Before he made the song it was still going down in the DM's. It has been going on for awhile now.  I have had some guys DM me on social networks a few times. So my Dm's were definitely "poppin" lol. Here is break down of how that usually goes down.
Guy: hey I think your so beautiful
Girl: thanks :)
Guy: can get to know you (some guys like to get straight to the point)
Girl: sure (if interested) no i have a boyfriend (if not interested)

From there on if the guy scores a shot, they eventually start getting to know each other and then talking, then dating and they live happily ever after sometimes lol. Or sometimes it does not work out and you are stuck wondering why you gave them a chance in the first place. Sometimes girls will just ignore the message altogether.

Do girls like receiving DMs? 

In my opinion NO!! I feel like most girls would rather a guy come up to her in person rather than messaging her on a social network. I know, I know, some guys are shy and feel that its easier to DM her than to get rejected in person. But most girls find it more attractive and masculine  when a guy comes up to them in person especially since most of the time they are always receiving Dms.  But either way it goes you are sometimes going to get turned down because sometime they really are not interested or they have a boyfriend. I would choose the guy who came up to me in person over the guy who slid  in my Dms anyday. 

So in about ten years when we tell our kids how we met our husband or wife. Will we be telling them it went down in the DMs or,  will it stop going down in the DMs and  guys will go back to  writing letters and sending flowers.  I may be old fashioned but I actually think its cuter than trying to shoot your shot in her DMs lol. I really hope guys get over the phase of sliding into a girls Dm's and start trying in person. 

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