Sunday, January 17, 2016

Don't Have V-Day Blues

Valentine's day is around the corner and some say its just another day to remind singles that they are single. I used to love Valentines Day in elementary  school because that meant that everyone got something, but as I got older I started to dread the "holiday" because I never had a Valentine. As  I grew  older I started coming up with ways I could make the most out of the day. Instead of being bummed about not having a Valentine. I love giving to others and baking so every year I always made little goody bags and gave cards to close friends and family. I always see this day as a day to spread love. I love seeing the look on others faces when they receive a gift from me. So this Valentines day instead of feeling bitter or depressed because you don't have a Valentine. Go out of your way to make others day by giving them something like a card or some candy. I guarantee you it will make you feel so much better inside. You will enjoy the day even more. Remember that Jesus loves you!! 

Below are some ideas and ways you can celebrate Valentines Day

1. make gift bags for your friends or someone you know
2. give a card to someone guy or girl
3. plan a scavenger hunt for your friends
4. plan a girls day (go see a movie, go out to eat or get your nails done with your girls)
5. bake cookies or cupcakes.
6. give candy or cards to people you do not know

Hope you make the most out of your day this year!


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