Sunday, September 25, 2016

Living Pure.

What is it?
Purity is a commitment to God to honor him with your body and follow his standards.
1 Timothy 4:12
"Don't let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young. Set an example for other followers by what you say and do, as well as by your love, faith, and purity."
As a Christian living pure can be challenging. Especially in today's world. We're surrounded by things that may tempt us everyday. But it is our job as a Christian not to entertain those thoughts. We sometimes want please our flesh by doing things that are not of God. One thing that Christians may struggle with is sexual immortality. 
We as Christians may fall into temptation. As Christians it is our job to set boundaries and not put yourself in position where you may be tempted. Everyone's boundaries may be different.  For instance you may not be able to lay in a bed and cuddle  with someone of the opposite sex because you might get tempted.  Boundaries are important in a relationship. Another thing we may struggle with is being made fun of or not cool because you're saving yourself for marriage.
The bible says ; "Don't let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young. Set an example for other followers by what you say and do, as well as by your love, faith, and purity." 1 Timothy 4:12. This means that you should not let anyone make fun of it joke about the way you choose to live. Be an example for them by the way you walk and talk and through your faith love and purity. Let others see Christ through you. Let them see that it is okay to live like Christ. That they can do it too.

Going Natural

When I first heard of everyone I know going natural, I was nonchalant. I personally thought I would not look good with my natural hair and preferred to continue to get my hair relaxed. I did not like the fact that my hair would be short and curly. I just could not see my self walking around with an afro it just wasn't me. Being that I was in college I was getting a relaxer every five to six months. I thought just because I had long hair that my hair was still healthy. Obviously that was not the case.

My natural hair journey

March 2014 was the last time I ever got a relaxer. The fall of 2014 was when I decided that I was going to begin my journey. I did not want to do the big chop so I decided to just transition until my hair got to the length I wanted it then I would chop off my relaxed ends. So I got my first sew-in ever and wore that for three months. When I took out my sew in I did not know what to do with my hair because it was two different textures. I ended up doing twist outs and french braids. It was hard because I really missed the length and it just did not feel right. So to keep from putting heat in my hair and to retain length I put back in my sew in. I also went to the salon to get my ends trim every now and then. For the next year or so I wore protective styles in my hair. The summer of 2015 after taking out my braids I decided it was time to chop off the rest of  my straight ends, my hair looked scraggly lol. When it came time for school to start I  started wearing my natural hair out. I had to get used to this look on me because I was so used to my hair being to my collar bone, the shrinkage of my hair was real. I started experimenting with different products to use in my hair. I still wore braids as a protective style and still went to get my hair straightened and my ends trimmed. Do I regret letting go of relaxers no, I love my natural hair, although we have a love hate relationship. I think it is the best decision I made.

The Pros and the Cons 

 First I am going to start with the Pros of having natural hair
1. my hair is thicker
2.  my hair grows faster 
3. my curls are always poppin'
4. You can do so many hair styles and looks

The Cons
1. SHRINKAGE! The one thing I absolutely hate.
2. It takes longer to wash. Since my hair is now curly I can't just wash it, condition it and then blow dry it and straighten it and be done. There is a whole process. I sometimes dread wash days LOL 
3. Humidity because I live in Houston where it is always humid my hair does not stay straight especially during the summer days. 


Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Have you ever put your all into something or someone and feel like you wasted your time? Or let me put it this way have you ever put so much time and effort in that one person that you become drained and after you just feel like you don't have anymore energy left for the next one....well I'm sure everyone has.

In order for any form of relationship to be successful both people have to put forth an effort to want the relationship to grow and to be able slowly build it. There is always a two way street when it comes to any relationship both persons have to be willing to reach out to the other person. But have you ever put so much effort into one person and felt like the other person was not putting in the same amount of effort  and you end up getting hurt in the end. Then since you feel like you wasted so much time and energy on someone who just end up hurting you. When you meet someone else you do not put in any effort towards them, and the next person comes and you do the same thing. Now it is like a cycle and you have gotten so used to it, that you don't even notice what you are doing. Now your stuck trying to figure out why none of the people you "thought" could be the one never seem to workout. 

I always sit and wonder why some things happen the way they do. I reflect on what I could of did differently and what I need to change next time. God is still working on me and I am learning something new about myself everyday. Thinking back to 2012, I met this guy whom I liked a lot. We talked on the phone and hung out a lot the summer before I left for college. He knew that I liked him and such. But  it was me who was always making plans to see each other, giving him gifts and calling him first most of the time ( I was young and did not know any better lol). But I really like him and thought maybe we could be an official couple soon. Fast forward to my first semester in school. I remember texting, calling and skyping him everyday. (I always made the effort ). Then one day, (for some reason I will never forget this day) but that day I asked him something you should never ask a guy. I asked him how come we aren't dating yet. His answer was he was talking to someone else. I remember that night asking him to tell me why he could not date. He could not really explain. But I was so hurt because I liked this person so much and put in so much effort with him that from the beginning he did not care about my feelings or me at all. After that happen every guy that I met I stopped putting in the effort that I put in before. I just waited on them to ask could they call me, or could we hang out. I've continued doing this up until now. I only did it because I did not want to end up hurt after putting so much time in effort into someone I wanted to date. Sometimes it takes a few years to figure yourself out. While many people have told me that is something I lacked. I let it go in one ear and out of the other. Now that I've figured it out, I am going to continue to work on that in relationships with my friend and with other guys.

I pray that this blog helps you as much as it has helped me.
 Be blessed ,

Will I....

Will I be single forever? Or How long is forever?  I often ask myself this question every now and then. It's not like I'm in a rush to get in a relationship or anything. Heck if I was I would of settled a long time ago. It's just..well I feel like I haven't met the right person. Or at least someone who will give me a chance. I mean I do plan on getting married and starting a family but can I at least make it past the first step. Geez lol!  With the way  my generation has mixed up the terms of dating and being in a relationship ..lets just say I've never been in a serious relationship with anyone. Nor have I been on real date with a guy. So it makes me kind of scared because I feel like I will not know what to do, because I don't have the "experience" I won't know what I like and what I dislike in person. I feel like people don't want to waste their time with someone who has never been in "the relationship game".  Like I have the standards and the qualities I want in someone. I just feel like when God finally sends me The right person it will be hard for me to adjust to actually being in a relationship with me. It will feel so surreal. Because I know I waited forever to meet this person, and I know they will be reason why I went through what I went through. They will be so blessed to meet a girl like me. So until then I'm going to continue waiting until  forever. Hopefully It isn't to bad lol.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Don't Have V-Day Blues

Valentine's day is around the corner and some say its just another day to remind singles that they are single. I used to love Valentines Day in elementary  school because that meant that everyone got something, but as I got older I started to dread the "holiday" because I never had a Valentine. As  I grew  older I started coming up with ways I could make the most out of the day. Instead of being bummed about not having a Valentine. I love giving to others and baking so every year I always made little goody bags and gave cards to close friends and family. I always see this day as a day to spread love. I love seeing the look on others faces when they receive a gift from me. So this Valentines day instead of feeling bitter or depressed because you don't have a Valentine. Go out of your way to make others day by giving them something like a card or some candy. I guarantee you it will make you feel so much better inside. You will enjoy the day even more. Remember that Jesus loves you!! 

Below are some ideas and ways you can celebrate Valentines Day

1. make gift bags for your friends or someone you know
2. give a card to someone guy or girl
3. plan a scavenger hunt for your friends
4. plan a girls day (go see a movie, go out to eat or get your nails done with your girls)
5. bake cookies or cupcakes.
6. give candy or cards to people you do not know

Hope you make the most out of your day this year!


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Does it Really Go Down

Does it really go down in the Dms?

For the past couple of days this question has been pondering my mind and I really have put some hard thought into it. I know not everyone is on social media or follows what they do. But the latest trend that seems to be "Poppin" now days is sliding in the DM's to "shoot their shot"or whatever. At the end of the year there was a hash tag on twitter called #shootyourshot and it had a lot of guys trying to shoot their shot in girls DM's. so does it really go down in the DMs? Like Yo Gotti's song says. I think so.

Are your Dm's Poppin'?

Yo Gotti recently put out a song called Down In the DM's.  Before he made the song it was still going down in the DM's. It has been going on for awhile now.  I have had some guys DM me on social networks a few times. So my Dm's were definitely "poppin" lol. Here is break down of how that usually goes down.
Guy: hey I think your so beautiful
Girl: thanks :)
Guy: can get to know you (some guys like to get straight to the point)
Girl: sure (if interested) no i have a boyfriend (if not interested)

From there on if the guy scores a shot, they eventually start getting to know each other and then talking, then dating and they live happily ever after sometimes lol. Or sometimes it does not work out and you are stuck wondering why you gave them a chance in the first place. Sometimes girls will just ignore the message altogether.

Do girls like receiving DMs? 

In my opinion NO!! I feel like most girls would rather a guy come up to her in person rather than messaging her on a social network. I know, I know, some guys are shy and feel that its easier to DM her than to get rejected in person. But most girls find it more attractive and masculine  when a guy comes up to them in person especially since most of the time they are always receiving Dms.  But either way it goes you are sometimes going to get turned down because sometime they really are not interested or they have a boyfriend. I would choose the guy who came up to me in person over the guy who slid  in my Dms anyday. 

So in about ten years when we tell our kids how we met our husband or wife. Will we be telling them it went down in the DMs or,  will it stop going down in the DMs and  guys will go back to  writing letters and sending flowers.  I may be old fashioned but I actually think its cuter than trying to shoot your shot in her DMs lol. I really hope guys get over the phase of sliding into a girls Dm's and start trying in person.