Sunday, September 25, 2016

Living Pure.

What is it?
Purity is a commitment to God to honor him with your body and follow his standards.
1 Timothy 4:12
"Don't let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young. Set an example for other followers by what you say and do, as well as by your love, faith, and purity."
As a Christian living pure can be challenging. Especially in today's world. We're surrounded by things that may tempt us everyday. But it is our job as a Christian not to entertain those thoughts. We sometimes want please our flesh by doing things that are not of God. One thing that Christians may struggle with is sexual immortality. 
We as Christians may fall into temptation. As Christians it is our job to set boundaries and not put yourself in position where you may be tempted. Everyone's boundaries may be different.  For instance you may not be able to lay in a bed and cuddle  with someone of the opposite sex because you might get tempted.  Boundaries are important in a relationship. Another thing we may struggle with is being made fun of or not cool because you're saving yourself for marriage.
The bible says ; "Don't let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young. Set an example for other followers by what you say and do, as well as by your love, faith, and purity." 1 Timothy 4:12. This means that you should not let anyone make fun of it joke about the way you choose to live. Be an example for them by the way you walk and talk and through your faith love and purity. Let others see Christ through you. Let them see that it is okay to live like Christ. That they can do it too.

Going Natural

When I first heard of everyone I know going natural, I was nonchalant. I personally thought I would not look good with my natural hair and preferred to continue to get my hair relaxed. I did not like the fact that my hair would be short and curly. I just could not see my self walking around with an afro it just wasn't me. Being that I was in college I was getting a relaxer every five to six months. I thought just because I had long hair that my hair was still healthy. Obviously that was not the case.

My natural hair journey

March 2014 was the last time I ever got a relaxer. The fall of 2014 was when I decided that I was going to begin my journey. I did not want to do the big chop so I decided to just transition until my hair got to the length I wanted it then I would chop off my relaxed ends. So I got my first sew-in ever and wore that for three months. When I took out my sew in I did not know what to do with my hair because it was two different textures. I ended up doing twist outs and french braids. It was hard because I really missed the length and it just did not feel right. So to keep from putting heat in my hair and to retain length I put back in my sew in. I also went to the salon to get my ends trim every now and then. For the next year or so I wore protective styles in my hair. The summer of 2015 after taking out my braids I decided it was time to chop off the rest of  my straight ends, my hair looked scraggly lol. When it came time for school to start I  started wearing my natural hair out. I had to get used to this look on me because I was so used to my hair being to my collar bone, the shrinkage of my hair was real. I started experimenting with different products to use in my hair. I still wore braids as a protective style and still went to get my hair straightened and my ends trimmed. Do I regret letting go of relaxers no, I love my natural hair, although we have a love hate relationship. I think it is the best decision I made.

The Pros and the Cons 

 First I am going to start with the Pros of having natural hair
1. my hair is thicker
2.  my hair grows faster 
3. my curls are always poppin'
4. You can do so many hair styles and looks

The Cons
1. SHRINKAGE! The one thing I absolutely hate.
2. It takes longer to wash. Since my hair is now curly I can't just wash it, condition it and then blow dry it and straighten it and be done. There is a whole process. I sometimes dread wash days LOL 
3. Humidity because I live in Houston where it is always humid my hair does not stay straight especially during the summer days.